Darcy J. Higgins, DPT
Doctor of Physical Therapy Human Movement Specialist
“Many of our clients come to Move For Health after having had frustrating experiences and injuries in other settings – and without having proper guidance.
Our clients are looking for a way to prevent injuries while improving strength, fitness and wellness goals in a safe and biomechanically sound manner.”
Quotes from Move For Health Class Physical Therapy Participants:
“In this day and age, it’s hard to find a fitness and wellness program that you can trust. Darcy was recommended to me by a friend, and now I know why – the quality of service I received was outstanding. Keep up the good work!”
“By combining his knowledge of human movement and physiology with caring instruction, Darcy teaches us how to sit, stand, move and breathe in ways that minimize injury, reduce pain, improve balance, prevent falls, strengthen core muscles & increase endurance.”
“We learn why and how to move well, and then practice until we develop new habits that we apply to our daily lives.”
“The ravages of aging may be inevitable, but we are convinced that Move For Health classes – and what we learn about how to take care of our bodies – is a great way to slow them down!”