Moving Well…What Does That Mean?

Human movement is a marvel. As a physical therapist I have spent my career learning about the many components of human movement, With helping patients recover after an injury or surgery and teaching them how to move well after having postural bad habits, strength,...

Stress Management with Diaphragmatic Breathing

Breathe from your belly. Relax your neck and shoulders. Breathe more deeply. Slow down your breathing. But how? And Why? The Diaphragm? The diaphragm is a thin sheet of a muscle that attaches to the bottom of the rib cage and the pleura, which is a lining surrounding...

Core Stability – Defined

Core Stability is an often-used term in the medical, fitness and wellness literature. And interestingly there is not consensus about what exactly comprises core stability as it relates to human movement.As a physical therapist and a human movement specialist, my...